EVP Newsletter

EdVenture Partners (EVP) has created and managed custom marketing and experiential education opportunities on college campuses for almost 30 years. "Peer-to-peer" marketing and "influencer marketing" are in our DNA, which makes recent articles about these topics particularly interesting. We believe in the power of young people — as innovative marketers themselves, as brand ambassadors, as problem-solvers and agents of change within their communities. With the oldest millennials turning 37 this year, Ad Age says Gen Z is poised to shake up the influencer "ecosystem" where marketers are concerned. Learn what this means for companies, brands and causes, including how the next "largest generation of consumers" prefers to be reached.
EVP's spring 2018 awards season took place in May, June and July, and honored the "best of the best" — students, their advising faculty and respective schools — who competed in three different programs. Winners hailed from Belgium, Turkey and Nigeria, and six different U.S. different states. Read all things "awards recaps" by clicking on each of the photos/programs.
Do you know an EVP Project Specialist? They give us life, literally, managing day-to-day up to 20 of our student teams located around the world. Check out the new blog series featuring our PS roles.
About EdVenture Partners

EdVenture Partners is an organization dedicated to developing innovative industry–education partnership programs. These experiential learning opportunities provide hands-on, real-world experience to students in tandem with providing marketing, recruiting and social impact solutions at colleges, universities and high schools to clients. EdVenture Partners has designed and managed programs at over 1,000 schools in North America and internationally.

If you'd like to explore our model for your organization or cause, contact us here.
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